…The next day, Nillah found herself trying to ignore the fact that her and Jack had left for the Dammam Regional Museum more than an hour ago – when Dad's GPS had said it would take about five minutes. The sun slanted in the sky and bounced off of the windows of the tall buildings as she wearily put one foot in front of the o
ther. She could almost hear beautiful, colorful Mumbai taunting her as she trudged through the sweltering, almost colorless streets.
“Um, Nillah?” Jack caught her elbow and stopped to look around. “I don't think this is the kind of area they would put a museum in.”
“What was your first clue?” Nillah rolled her eyes. It was hot and tired versus politeness right now, and as far as she was concerned, hot and tired won.
Jack ignored her comment, “I think we're officially lost.” He rummaged in his pockets for his phone. “Ugh. No service. How's yours?”
“You know, I think maybe if we went that way and turned left – ”
“You forgot it, didn't you.”
Nillah bit her lip and winced. “Well, think of it this way. By forgetting my phone, I just plunged us into a spectacular adventure! Just picture it: we'll see sights the average tourist never gets to discover! Forget the museum.”
“Nillah, stop goofing around. Dad is going to kill us. I mean, losing the guard was bad enough –”
“Hey! That was an accident!” She had gotten confused with the bus stops and had gotten off with Jack before the guard had a chance to stop them. Was that really so criminal?
Jack continued, “But getting lost when I – we – specifically promised we wouldn't . . .”
She held up her hands. “OK. So we're lost. Without the guard. We're going to get in huge trouble. I get it. But standing around and talking about how bad it is isn't going to help. Now, as I was saying, this way, and then right . . . wait, is that what I said?” Nillah put a hand up to her cheek.
Jack shook his head. “I think I better do the navigating.”
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