One of the most helpful people to have on your writing team is what I like to call a "writing buddy". A writing buddy is, essentially, someone who is close to your age and experience and who you can swap ideas, critiques, and pointers with. The extra help and encouragement you get from each other is extremely helpful!
So, without further ado, meet my writing buddy, Danielle. I met her at a Christian writer's conference and have been emailing back and forth ever since. Here is lovely sample of what she can do, both with words and a camera. Enjoy!
do children stop being children? When they become tweens? Teens?
Adults? When do they stop being childish—or more importantly,

legally, I’m an adult now. Somehow between child and adult, I
neglected that fascination, funneling it into a few specific areas
and forgetting to use it everywhere else. Why? I’m not sure.
Efficiency, probably—why “waste” time marveling at the crisp
feel of pencil lead skating across scrap paper when I had math to
master? Chores, homework, TV shows, videogames: so much to do, so
little time. I could obsess, perhaps, or grow through fads, but as I
became bigger, my awe at overall existence… it shrank.

learning, I am. Learning to delight in these moments, in the detail
and grand scale, the sights and sounds and sensations. Learning to
look around with the alacrity of a tourist and the appreciation of an
artist—even on grocery runs, even on school days. I’m learning to
take Father God’s hand and, childlike, chortling with joy, tug Him
God!” I’ll point out the finely-flowered, full-leaved lilac bush
nearby, bursting with color, grinning ear to ear. “Look what You
made! It’s so pretty!”
I’ll gaze down an alley as we drive past, see lines and shapes and
shadows and squeal into God’s ear about the rule of thirds,
architecture, and intersecting planes.
smile into my coffee or the grains of sugar spilled on the
faux-granite countertop and murmur about lighting, depth of field,
texture details.

the question shouldn’t be, “When do we stop being childlike?”
Maybe we should ask, “How do we return to childlikeness?”
Meekness and faith and simplicity and joy, and even fascination.
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