Phew! What a year! Well, half a year, actually. That's how long it's been since I've written a blog post here. Can you believe I've managed to procrastinate that long?!? Yeah, me, too. We all know I'm a great procrastinator.
Aaaanyway, I suppose I should catch you up on the monumental things that have happened since March. Things like graduation (yay!), a broken foot-inhibited summer (boo!), a part time job (eh.), and a return to all things literary and dance. I think that's plenty of excuses for not writing, don't you?
Now, I'm sure I could ramble on and on and ON about all the amazing things God has taught me these last six months (and I probably will, eventually), but for now I think I'll just brag on where He's brought me to right now.
It's been a super intense six months for me, full of trials, heartbreaks, fears that I've had to face, and tough decisions. It's been a time when I've been tempted to give up on writing and dancing and just be that "average American" who blends in and has an easy, secure life. But even in my toughest moments, this past year has been overflowing with God's grace, guidance, and the sweet sound of His voice. I've come out of this time so much stronger and more mature than I was even just half a year ago, and, as of today, have officially begun my full time commitment to be a professional novelist! All the lessons God has taught me, like confidence, IMperfectionism, and a broken heart for the lost have prepared me to seriously start what He has called and made me to do, and to stick to it and never give up!
So, I guess the real reason I sat down to write to you wasn't just to be witty and entertaining or to catch you up on my crazy life so you're not completely lost in future posts. Although, I do hope I kind of accomplished that! ;) But honestly, I'm writing this to proclaim to the world that the writer of Pointe Shoes and Typewriters is back. I'm still a writer. I'm still a dancer. I'm still His child.
And I'm here to stay!
Pointe Shoes and Typewriters
Monday, October 9, 2017
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
I Wrote a Sonnet?
At one point I vowed I would never write poetry...but one of my recent English assignments was to write a sonnet. It was optional, but I decided to do it! (Just to fill out my writer's repertoire, of course). So here it is!
First and Last Sonnet
by Naomi Jewell
If poetry perplexes readers now,
In times of old it must have been the same.
For never have our poet friends allowed
Adjustment since we cannot know their brains.
Imagine Shakespear handing out a rhyme
The ink with sharpened quill is freshly writ
And though his scribblings no one can divine
They all agree to tell him he has wit!
Decoding poet's stanzas takes much time
We're told they write in English but they don't
Their words were meant to be a sweet as wine
But by mistake the meaning has been cloaked.
Yet once the veil of puzzle has been torn,
A lovely word can lift a heart forlorn.
Ok, I've got to admit: this may not be the last sonnet I write. I actually had a lot of fun with this!
Friday, September 23, 2016
First Place!
Hello, all! I'm still in a bit of shock over this announcement. Apparently, I won first place in CLASSeminar's blog contest this year!
Umm…enough said? Do I need to say anymore? First place seems descriptive enough. Anyway, here is my winning post for your enjoyment! (By the way, the prize was a scholarship to CLASSeminar's Writers' Contreat in November. Super excited about that! Here is a link to an explanation of CLASSeminars if you are interested, also). CLASSeminars
“Sit down, brother. Would you like some tea?” the little girl holds a plastic tea cup towards an empty chair across from her, “Yes, sister, I want a cookie! But I have to go get the baby a bottle, first.” She gets up from the table and skips across the empty yard and up the front steps, into her house. After grabbing a play bottle from her bedroom, she stops and leans on the arm of the couch, kicking her legs in the air.
Umm…enough said? Do I need to say anymore? First place seems descriptive enough. Anyway, here is my winning post for your enjoyment! (By the way, the prize was a scholarship to CLASSeminar's Writers' Contreat in November. Super excited about that! Here is a link to an explanation of CLASSeminars if you are interested, also). CLASSeminars
A Different Door

“Mama, I want some brothers and sisters.”
Her mother smiles and takes another towel from the basket of clothes she is folding. “Then you should pray for some.”
So the little girl did, every day, for what seemed to her like years. First it was one sister, no, a brother. Then it was two, no, four sisters, and five brothers. Now, that would be perfect. An even ten kids to share her wonderful parents with. How exciting! And now all there was to do was wait for her mother to announce that the first baby was coming . . .
That was me, ten years ago. There was no doubt in my seven-year-old mind the Jesus meant it when He said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” [Matthew 7:7] I was sure that, if I asked enough, God would give me what I asked for.
But I never got those four sisters and five brothers, and my mother has never had another baby. Though I knocked and knocked and knocked on that door, it never opened. Sometimes I wondered if what Jesus said was really true. When I look back, though, I am very glad that door stayed closed.
You see, when I ask God if we can go somewhere, I usually have a detailed map in my head of how we are going to get there. When I ask God for a gift, I generally have a “flawless” strategy for how He's going to give it to me. I always do my planning from the ground, and I am only ever thinking of one person . . . that's right, me! But God makes plans from the sky, where He can see everything, and He thinks about everyone involved.
Like I said, I never got my ten siblings in the way I imagined. Later I found out that it was because God saw something I didn't – three little kids roaming their neighborhood, digging through trash cans, starving not only for food, but for love. He saw three precious gems who needed safety, security, and a family. He saw two girls and a boy that I now call my siblings, my answers to prayer.
So, did Jesus really mean it when He said, “ . . . knock and the door will be opened to you.” ? I think He did, only sometimes, it isn't the door that I'm expecting. It's a door that is much, much better!
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